


A+E Networks/Sky History - Ross Kemp - Mafia in Briton

Promo for the show Mafia in Briton with Ross Kemp

Role: DP

CLIENT: A+E Networks/Sky History

BBC Sounds - Famously On Trial

Promo for the show Famously On Trial with Stacey Dooly and Larry Dean

Role: DP


A+E Networks/Sky History - Royal Autopsy - Fantasy Autopsy ELVIS

Promo for the show Royal Autopsy based on a ‘Fantasy Autopsy’ on Elvis

Role: DP

CLIENT: A+E Networks/Sky History

The Times & The Sunday Times - Open Side with Lewis Moody and Alex Payne | Sponsored

The England Rugby legend shares his personal story about the battles he faced off the field whilst forging a career as one of the fiercest forwards in the world.

Role: DP

CLIENT: The Times/Sunday Times/Rise Media

BLAZE UK - Spectrum Paranormal: Ghost Gear. Haunted Week

Part of BLAZE UK TV’s Haunted week

Role: DP


Royal Kingdom - Flamingo

Advert for the iPhone app Royal Kingdom

Role: DP

CLIENT: Royal Kingdom

Royal Kingdom - Exploding Hair

Advert for the iPhone app Royal Kingdom

Role: DP

CLIENT: Royal Kingdom

Royal Kingdom - Fourth Wall

Advert for the iPhone app Royal Kingdom

Role: DP

CLIENT: Royal Kingdom

A+E Networks/Sky History - Promo for a new series of the Royal Mob

Role: DP

CLIENT: A+E Networks/Sky History

Microsoft/News/Rise Media - Promo for Microsofts Copilot

Role: DP

CLIENT: Microsoft/News/Rise Media

A+E Networks/Sky History - Promo for a new series of Russell Kane’s, Evil Genius

Role: DP

CLIENT: A+E Networks/Sky History

A+E Networks/Crime+Investigation - Promo for a new series of Will Mellor’s, Cops Gone Bad

Role: DP

CLIENT: A+E Networks/Crime+Investigation

Hobbs - Party Style Solutions

I DP’d this with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director


Woodvalley/Rise Media - Promo for Woodvalley’s refurbishment of 1 Queen Street in London

Role: DP

CLIENT: Woodvalley/Rise Media

EZRA/Rise Media - Promo for a new programme offered by the coaching company EZRA.

I work alot with EZRA on behalf of Rise Media and DP most of thier professional content, including this film.


A+E Networks/Crime+Investigation Play - Mini series for Apple TV True Crime Rewind

I DP’d this interseting mini series.

Eposide 1. Penelope Jackson: Bubble & Squeak Murder (Above)

Episode 2: George Birchwood: Murder Detective

Episode 3: Gemma Mitchell: Body in the Suitcase

Episode 4: Wayne Couzens: Cops Who Kill

CLIENT: A+E Networks/Crime+Investigation Play

QUAI 36 - BTS Film of Camille WALALA’s design process

I DP’d the London part to Camille WALALA’s film promoting her collaberation with ADA Location. You could rent these 🌈 cars for a year.

CLIENT: ADA Location & QUAI 36

ITG - Interviews

I DP’d several high profile interviews shot on multiple RED’s for ITG’s Hello Tomorrow event


Grammatik Agency - Mivan’s Digital Transformation Journey

I DP’d this film showing how integeral Autodesk’s software is for Mivan in the design process

CLIENT: Mivan & Grammatik Agency

Beagle Media - Home Demonstration Video

I DP’d this home demonstration video for Berkeley Homes

CLIENT: Berkeley Homes & Beagle Media

GET IT RIGHT - Pirate Rick

I DP’d this ad ‘Pirate Rick’ for GET IT RIGHT with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director


Heineken - Shear Genius

I DP’d this with Will Ainsworth as Director.

CLIENT: Heineken/Coolr


I DP’d this shoot with three women discussing their BARBRI story.

CLIENT: BARBRI/Visonary Pictures

NOW - Sleep Stories

I DP’d this VR shoot, ‘Sleep Stories’ for NOW with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director


NOW - Sleep Stories BTS

I DP’d this VR shoot, ‘Sleep Stories’ for NOW with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director

This is the BTS and gives a flavor of the production


Brits - Brits at 40 Documentary

I co DP’d a series of interviews with ex Brit awards winners for ITV with John Williams as Director


Virgin Media - 30 Seconds to Shine Part 1

I DP’d this with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director for OhMy!.

CLIENT: Virgin Media/Oh My!

Virgin Media - 30 Seconds to Shine Part 1

I DP’d this with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director for OhMy!.

CLIENT: Virgin Media/Oh My!

SKY Cinema - Elf Everything

I DP’d this with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director for OhMy!.

CLIENT: Virgin Media/Oh My!

AWP Ceramics - Intro film

DP’s, Directed and Edited for AWP Ceramics.

CLIENT: AWP Ceramics

Teleport Virtual Studios - Car Shoot

I DP’d this spec car shoot, ‘Tailed’ with Adam Loveday-Brown as Director for Teleport Virtual Studios

CLIENT: Teleport Virtual Studios

Orcomm - Digilux

DP’d, this explainer/training video.

CLIENT: Orcomm

Royal Academy of Engineering - MacRobert Award 2019 finalist: M Squared

I DP’d this with Kevin Dawson assisting for Beagle Media.

CLIENT: Beagle Media/Royal Academy of Engineering

Nectarine - Nectarine Health

I DP’d this alongside DP Tim for Beagle Media.

CLIENT: Beagle Media/Nectarine

Blatchford - Mobility Made Possible

I DP’d this with Kevin Dawson assisting for Beagle Media.

CLIENT: Beagle Media/Blatchford

The Royal Foundation - In our own words

This was a fun project that I DP'd for BBH's client The Royal Foundation.

CLIENT: BBH/The Royal Foundation

Avon - Gemma Evans

I DP’d and edited a series of three films for Avon Worldwide involving women who have survived domestic abuse.

CLIENT: Avon/Peace One Day

St Basils - Works With Young People

I DP’d this film for St Basils, a charity in Birmingham that works with young homeless people.

CLIENT: St Basils

14-18 NOW - ‘They Shall Not Grow Old’ promotional material

Edited for Bad Madam through The Cogency. It sheds a little insight into the lives of the soldiers in the First World War.

It is part of the UK arts programme, 14-18 NOW, for the First World War centenary.

CLIENT: 14-18 NOW/BadMadam/The Cogency

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Alexander Shelley and the Composer 360 Concert Series

This was a fun project I worked on with a great friend and excellent director, John Williams. I shot the interviews for this coming out on Royal Philharmonic Orchestra's website over the summer.

CLIENT: John Williams/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

RiseMedia/News UK/The SUN - Sun Racing vs Love Island

I DP’d this fun little film for Rise Media’s client News UK/The SUN

CLIENT: Rise Media/News UK/The SUN

Burger King - McWhopper

While I was a DP at Peace One Day I was tasked with filming the Founder, Jeremy Gilley for the Burger King McWhopper campaign they ran. I think it was their most successful single campaign ever! I shot the green screen of Jeremy Gilley. Watch this film to find out just how effective this campaign really was:

Axis Gold 2016 - Burger King: McWhopper

Although the film has been removed this is the original website it was posted on:


CLIENT: Burger King/Peace One Day

The Times - Anthony Loyd - War Correspondent

Shot and edited this film for The Times which is shown to the top University students in Journalism in order to persuade them that the best only work for The Times!

CLIENT: RiseMedia/The Times

CITRIX - Branded content for the Times

Shot for The Times, through RiseMedia. Branded content about Citrix partnership with Salford Royal NHS

CLIENT: The Times/News UK/RiseMedia